This talk of tightening or not tightening, continued tightening, etc is getting old. I have come to "really" believe that the "men (women) behind the curtain" have no real idea of how to solve this issue. We act as if the "Fed" is in our control. Being that the Federal Reserve is no more "Federal" than Federal Express, I firmly believe they, the "Fed", have destined our economy to ashes. By design, right on schedule. The "Fed" only has to unload its paper on its member banks, who in turn will increase (velocity) the money supply which in turn will suck everyone into the stock market and when the music stops, those in the paper market will have exactly that. Inflated paper, whether FRN's or stock certificates. Just look around the world, what are they buying, GOLD and $ilver, physical and mines. So imho, I continue to stack.
Sprott's John Embry: 'Feds Have Lost Control Over Monetary Policy'