Sunday, July 20, 2014

COMEX Mercenary Swap Dealer Banks Way Short Silver Too, Vulnerable to a Squeeze - Got Gold Report

Best advise is to continue to $tack.  If you have cash in the market go long on the pull backs.  Just remember to "go long"!

Most anything can happen short term, but at some point gold and silver are going to catch a tail wind strong enough that those attempting to prevent runaway breakouts could be overwhelmed.  It is in such cases that the trader community on the COMEX becomes its most cutthroat and merciless.  If the other traders sense a trapped large trader or group of traders, you know, maybe one with a way-too-huge-short position in a rising price environment as an example … well, let’s just say that all traders consider it a duty to pile on and make them pay…  Watch for it.

COMEX Mercenary Swap Dealer Banks Way Short Silver Too, Vulnerable to a Squeeze - Got Gold Report